We’re Not Building Pianos Here, Gentlemen!

We’re Not Building Pianos Here, Gentlemen!

This is the Standard Post Format and it’s a also marked as sticky in WordPress. This mean it will always be the first post. Constructed in cotton sweat fabric, this lovely piece, lacus eu mattis auctor, dolor lectus venenatis nulla, at tristique eros sem vel...

“A gentleman has his eyes on all those present; he is tender toward the bashful, gentle toward the distant, and merciful toward the absent.”

George Bernard Shaw

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Decreto sulla sicurezza negli ambienti dello spettacolo e fieristici

Il 21 febbraio 2014 Il Ministro del Lavoro Enrico Giovannini ha firmato il Decreto attuativo in materia di salute e sicurezza durante l’allestimento e il disallestimento di palchi per spettacoli musicali, teatrali e cinematografici e di strutture per...

The Gallery Post Format

This is a demo Gallery Post Format. Image galleries are a great way to share groups of pictures on your site. The Create Gallery feature of the WordPress media uploader allows you to add a simple image gallery to pages or posts on your site.  Here’s How to Create a...